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Below is a link you can follow to sign up for available volunteer slots in the concession stand.
Please click the "Sign Up" button to get started.
1. Click the Sign-Up! button above. You will be redirected to the SignUpGenius web portal.
2. Review all available volunteer time slots. When you find the one(s) you want, click the "Sign Up" button(s)
3. Lastly, click the "Submit and Sign Up" button in the bottom/center of the page
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew
• To make the AYA possible, each family is asked to volunteer time helping with concessions, cleaning concession stand, field prep, garbage clean-up after games and tournaments including Kids Kingdom play area, cleaning bathrooms and dugouts, empty garbage cans, coaching, umpiring, being a board member, spring/fall field cleanup or where ever help is needed. This does NOT apply to T-Ball players.
• All families are required to provide a separate $100.00 deposit (check) at the start of the season, made out to Arcadia Youth Association. Your oldest child/participant can bring it to the first week of practice. This does NOT apply to T-Ball players.
• You are asked to provide 4 hours of volunteer time for each registered child, with a maximum of 8 hours per family. If the family completes the required volunteer hours, the check will be shredded and discarded. If the family does not complete the volunteer hours, the check will be deposited into the AYA general fund.
• If you plan to NOT complete your volunteer hours, and the AYA can use your $100 deposit to pay youth workers, please indicate so at the time you provide the check.
• If signed up for a shift and you are a no-show, or unable to find a replacement, the $100.00 deposit will automatically be forfeited and deposited into the AYA general fund.